Thursday, 29 March 2012

Epic fail! Last night's broadcast...

Anyone attempting to listen live to last night's show will have noticed a bit of a problem.  Due to obscure technical problems at the station last night the show was not broadcast.  It was recorded though and will probably be broadcast as a repeat next Wednesday.

Apologies to everyone who tried to tune in live.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

New show tonight at 10pm!

At 10pm tonight Drones Of Hell chews on the fresh bones of some choice new releases, and gnaws greedily at a few rancid older morsels.

In London detune radios to 104.4FM, or listen online anywhere with the player at the top right of this page.

Or, a lower quality stream can be heard using iTunes Radio; search for Resonance FM under the Eclectic category.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

21st March 2012 show on Mixcloud

Tracklist for 21st March 2012 show

Celtic Frost “Innocence And Wrath”
Album: To Mega Therion (1985)
Label: Noise

Hooded Menace "Instruments Of Eternal Damnation"
Album: Split 12" with Horse Latitudes (2012)
Label: Doomentia Records

Emperor "Wrath Of The Tyrant"
Album: Split CD with Enslaved (1993)
Label: Candlelight Records

Entombed "Night Of The Vampire" (Roky Erickson cover)
Album: Split 7" with The New Bomb Turks (1995)
Label: Earache Records

Deathspell Omega "Insanity Supreme"
Album: Split 10" MLP with Mütiilation (2002)
Label: End All Life Productions

Cultes Des Ghoules "Ridden With Holy Grace"
Album: Split 7" with Szron (2011)
Label: Under The Sign Of Garazel Productions

Satyricon "The Night Of The Triumphator"
Album: Split CD with Enslaved (1995)
Label: Moonfog Productions

Heresy "Visions In Fear"
Album: Split LP with Concrete Sox (1987)
Label: Earache Records

Barren Womb "Double Mono"
Album: Split 7" with Forraederi (2012)
Label: D-Beat Hjerte Records

Coffins "The Day Man Lost" (Carnage cover)
Album: Split 7" with Skullhog (2008)
Label: No Escape Records

Encoffination "Inurnment Of Fleshless Disembodied Remains"
Album: Split 12" with Grave Upheaval (2011)
Label: Psychedelic Lotus Order

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Tonight's Drones Of Hell...

Tonight's Drones Of Hell squats over the faces of wimps and posers and does the splits! hour of foetid tunes wrung from some of the finest split releases of the last three decades.

In London detune radios to 104.4FM, or listen online anywhere via the
player at the top right corner of this page.

Or, a lower quality stream can be heard using iTunes Radio; search for Resonance FM under the Eclectic category.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Tracklist for March 14th 2012 show

Celtic Frost “Innocence And Wrath”
Album: To Mega Therion (1985)
Label: Noise

Eschaton "Isolated Intelligence"
Album: Isolated Intelligence (2012)
Label: Self-released - Name your price from

Sküll "Human Desolation"
Album: Demo (2012)
Label: Free download from

Katechon "The Ides Of March"
Album: Rehearsal (2011)
Label: Free download from

Katechon "Unbeing"
Album: Tape (2012)
Label: Free download from 

Mutilation Rites "Cloaca Maxima"
Album: I am Legion EP (2012)
Label: Self-released - Purchase from

Enthral "Fields Of Death"
Album: Obtenebrate (2012)
Label: Duplicate Records

Omega Centauri "I Am"
Album: Universum Infinitum (2012)
Label: Duplicate Records

Vacantfield "White Knuckled Cosmos"
Album: Iteration EP (2011)
Label: Duplicate Records

Amnis Nihili "Infamous Judeochristian Seed"
Album: Christological Escalation EP (2011)
Label: Avantgarde Music

The Gates Of Slumber "Bastards Born"
Album: The Wretch (2011)
Label: Rise Above Records

Friday, 9 March 2012

Finally...the 29th Feb 2012 show!

Apologies for the delay in posting the Feb 29th show here.  It's been on Mixcloud for the last 5 days but I'm a spanner so I forgot to post it onto this site too.  Enjoy!

This week's show (7th March) will be online very soon too.

Feb 29th 2012 show on Mixcloud

Tracklist from 7th March 2012 show

Celtic Frost “Innocence And Wrath”
Album: To Mega Therion (1985)
Label: Noise

Enslaved "Tides Of Chaos"
Album: Ruun (2006)
Label: Tabu Recordings

Triptykon "A Thousand Lies"
Album: Eparistera Daimones (2010)
Label: Prowling Death Records

Drudkh "Breath Of Cold Black Soil"
Album: Eternal Turn Of The Wheel (2012)
Label: Season Of Mist

Oblivionized "A Modern Prometheus"
Album: Abhorrent Evolution EP (2011)
Label: Malignant Manifestation Productions

Human Cull "Rubbernecker"
Album: Human Cull EP (2011)
Label: Torn Flesh Records
Free download from

Suffocation "Pray For Forgiveness"
Album: Blood Oath (2009)
Label: Nuclear Blast

Demoncy "Opening The Lunar Bloodgate"
Album: Enthroned Is The Night (2012)
Label: Forever Plagued Records

Hirax "Demons Evil Forces"
Album: Raging Violence (1985)
Label: Metal Blade/Roadrunner

Inferius Torment "Diabolical Perversity"
Album: Ceremony Of Godslaying (2012)
Label: World Terror Committee

Nightbringer "Dreaming Above The Sepulcher"
Album: Hierophany Of The Open Grave (2011)
Label: Season Of Mist

Sadus "Torture"
Album: Illusions (1988)
Label: Sadus Roecords

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Tracklist for Feb 29th 2012

Celtic Frost “Innocence And Wrath”
Album: To Mega Therion (1985)
Label: Noise

Mastiphal "Nihil Esse"
Album: Parvzya (2011)
Label: Witching Hour Productions

Abyssal "The Moss Upon Our Ruins"
Album: Denouement (2012)
Label: Self-released

Pyre "Devastactic"
Album: Ravenous Decease (EP 2012)
Label: Blood Harvest

Virophage "Human As Infection"
Album: Endpoint (EP 2012)
Label: Self-released

Ghast "Give Your Wrists"
Album: May The Curse Bind (2008)
Label: Todestrieb Records

Muknal "Rotten Genesis"
Album: Muknal (EP 2012)
Label: Crepusculo Negro

Young And In The Way "The Great Blue Norther/Oceans Of Eternal Depression"
Album: V.Eternal Depression (2011)
Label: Antithetic Records
(Free download from

Rituals "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy"
Album: Rituals (2012)
Label: Alerta Antifascista Records
(Streaming at

Macabre "Hot Rods To Hell"
Album: Grim Reality (EP 1987)
Label: Decomposed Records